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International Applications

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International Applications

Since 2002 Tara has welcomed a small number of international students each year, providing a friendly, supportive environment that encourages the educational development and personal growth for all students.


Consistently, Tara celebrates outstanding results achieved by our students, who proceed to universities in Australia and overseas to undertake a broad range of studies. Congratulations to our Class of 2024. We appreciate the hard work of students and staff that has culminated in this great outcome.

Girls who are granted a VISA to study in Australia, especially Boarders who live away from their family, have an opportunity to broaden their perspective on the world and will benefit greatly from their Tara experience.

For the 2024 International Student Fee Schedule or to apply please click on the links below.

International Student Fee Schedule
International Enrolment Application

Tara has a rich tapestry of diverse cultural backgrounds and is registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) as Provider 02320A. The following courses are offered by Tara;

Junior School

  • CRICOS Course Code: 086010J, Primary (Kindergarten to Year 6)

Senior School

  • CRICOS Course Code: 041575K, Junior Secondary (Years 7 to 10)
  • CRICOS Course Code: 041576J, Senior Secondary (Years 11 and 12)

English Language Proficiency

English proficiency requirements will differ depending on the year group applied for. As the academic demands increase as a student progresses through their schooling, entry proficiency requirements also increase to reflect this. Before an enrolment application proceeds to the next step, Tara Anglican School for Girls checks English language proficiency in accordance with its documented procedures. Successful applications require a recent (within 6 months) International Diagnostic and Admissions Test (iDAT) to be submitted at the time of application. These include students on international or temporary visa subclasses as well as those who have been studying in Australia for less than two years.

  • Minimum English Language requirements are results of 70-80% Ready with Minimal Support.

Students should note that if their language proficiency is below that outlined above, they may be required to undertake an intensive English language course before beginning mainstream studies at Tara Anglican School for Girls. If undertaking an intensive English language course before beginning mainstream studies, English language proficiency will be reassessed at the conclusion of the language course to ensure the standard has been met.

All costs associated with iDAT testing are to be covered by the family.

Enrolment Process

Applications will be reviewed when a completed application form is lodged with the following documentation, translated into English if necessary,

  • birth certificate,
  • completed Guardianship Agreement
  • student and both parents' passports,
  • immunisation history,
  • two most recent school reports,
  • English proficiency test results, iDAT
  • a short self introductory video made by the applying student, and
  • arrange payment of the non refundable $220 Application Fee.

Completed applications, reviewed as satisfactory by our Registrar, will be scheduled for a family Enrolment Interview, with both the student and parents. If successful following an interview, a place at Tara will be offered to the student.

Tara will lodge Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and, if applicable, a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter with the Australian Department of Home Affairs and provide you with a copy for VISA applications, only following Parent acceptance of our offer, including initial fee payments.

Accommodation and Welfare

All Senior School International Students, who are not accompanied by a direct family member (approved by the Australian Department of Home Affairs), are required to board in Tara’s boarding facilities, Eggleton House.

Eggleton House is a safe and homely environment for students from Years 5 to 12. Boarding girls come from a mixture of overseas families, rural Australian and Sydney based families. Our Boarders enjoy the beautiful parklands and learning facilities on campus and take part in a range pastoral programs, competitive sports and cocurricular activities.

International Students, who are Boarders, will require their family to appoint a Carer Guardian, who speaks the family’s home language, to act as a liaison between the School and the parents. All welfare arrangements require the Principal’s approval.

Junior School students need to be attended by a direct family member, who will reside with them locally, until boarding at Tara is a possibility in Senior School years.

It is important for families applying for enrolment from overseas, to know their rights and responsibilities. For more information visit the following;

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act

Australian Government’s Guide to Study In Australia

Australian Department of Home Affairs – Exploring VISA Options

International Policies

Agents Representing Tara Anglican School for Girls

The Australian Department of Education (DEEWAR) requires each education provider within Australia to publish on its website a list of all persons who represent or act on the providers’ behalf in dealing with international students or intending international students.

To view a list of these organisations please click on the link below.