Tara is a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence which encourages, equips and empowers girls to achieve, serve and thrive in a dynamic world.
‘Love God, Love Others’ is a summary phrase used regularly here at Tara as foundational to our Christian Identity. Taken from Matthew 22: 34-40, we seek to emulate this in who we are and how we live.
Tara has a strong and proud tradition as a Christian school in the Anglican tradition. As such we envisage education to be more than the impartation of knowledge, and rather a contextual formation of our young women. This means that the knowledge and skills that we foster are developed in direct connection with a Christian way of seeing the world and the accompanying practices and behaviours. This development occurs within the context of a Christian community of care. Our educational practices, in turn, are strengthened by this approach which properly takes account of the whole person and not merely one's mind.
Christian faith is integrated into all aspects of School life, including the Curriculum, Pastoral programs, behaviours and friendships, and our leadership development.