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Leading Tara

We Welcome You

A very warm welcome to Tara Anglican School for Girls. I am honoured to be the Principal of this outstanding school. When deciding on a school for your daughter, gaining insight into the school's culture and purpose is so important. Therefore, I invite you to visit Tara and connect with our staff and students, allowing you to grasp the diverse offerings and our strong emphasis on learning.

Mrs Adele Ramsay



Tara is an inspirational learning environment for girls. The Tara Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 establishes a framework to further build our great School. Our purpose is to be a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence, which encourages, equips and empowers girls to achieve, serve and thrive in a dynamic world. Tara places an emphasis on holistic development where every student is cared for, challenged and equipped to live out the distinctive values of the School.

View our Strategic Plan here


At Tara, learning starts at an early age through flexible and creative programs in our Early Learning Centre. The core literacy and numeracy skills are developed through a balance of direct instruction and inquiry learning in the Junior years. In the middle years a combination of instruction and student centred learning is used to broaden analytical thinking and problem solving. The HSC program in the Senior years, coupled with a wide range of subject choices available, ensures there are programs to suit all students’ interests and abilities.


Our School enjoys a reputation for academic excellence as a comprehensive school. This success stems from a supportive and inclusive School culture. Tara’s teaching practices are informed by research in best practice teaching and learning for girls from the early years of school through to our graduating Year 12 students. It’s a friendly, safe and energetic learning community where students explore a well rounded education across a wide range of areas: academic, sporting, artistic and spiritual – creating confident, articulate and resilient young women who can thrive in an ever changing, global world.


Alongside academic pursuits we take pride in helping our students to develop solid Christian values, including affirmation, opportunity, service and integrity.


“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”



“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

MATTHEW 20:26-28


“…I have come that they may have life,

and have it to the full.”

JOHN 10:10


“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

MICAH: 6:8

Education within a framework of Christian faith has been the cornerstone of Tara since it was established in 1897. We value the girls as individuals and recognise their uniqueness.


Tara’s depth and breadth of educational opportunities promotes the attainment of each girl’s potential, through academic and cocurricular programs and the development of girls’ characters and leadership potential.

As one of Australia’s leading independent schools, we have an outstanding reputation for preparing our students for life beyond School and to take their place on the world stage. Tara students develop an appreciation of the world around them. We encourage students to be inquisitive, value diversity, have a sense of personal responsibility and a commitment to social justice as well as to see learning as an ongoing adventure.

"At Tara, we are committed to fostering an inspirational learning environment for all students, empowering young women to thrive academically."