As a Christian learning community, we want to encourage and empower young women to serve others as an outworking of who we are.
Our service learning framework encourages our girls to recognise the contribution they can make to the lives of others through the use of their strengths, gifts, resources and knowledge.
We warmly congratulate Year 12 — Class of 2024 for the outstanding results Tara students have achieved.
All activities and leadership roles are open to all our girls. They have the chance to participate, influence and lead. Student leadership is a great way to tap into student energy, build self respect and create a caring School. Student Leadership at Tara empowers our students. What is important to them, is important to us.
Tara girls grow into global citizens; girls who are caring, open-minded, reflective and principled, girls who take risks with their learning to approach uncertainty with confidence and independence. Students at Tara have the opportunity to participate in the School's cultural and exchange programs, at a number of different year levels, and in a number of different countries.
The Tara Enrichment Centre offers exciting opportunities to expand learning horizons in over 25 specialties for enrichment. Students from all years are able to access quality tuition by highly qualified professional tutors. Lessons may take place before and after school as part of their extended day program or on a rotational timetable during school hours.
The girls develop their persuasive, research and team work skills in order to enhance their confidence and knowledge of current affairs. These skills are valuable not only in various competitions, but for all subjects and life beyond School. Debating and public speaking workshops are also run throughout the year.
Tara girls are renowned for their performing arts abilities. Every year the calendar includes a variety of performance events that are exceptional in their quality.
At Tara, difference and creativity are celebrated and learning through doing is encouraged.