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Adele Ramsay Principal

From the Principal

With the release of the HSC results, there is much to celebrate. I am incredibly proud of our remarkable young women who have worked tirelessly throughout their academic journey. Their results are a testament to their dedication, perseverance, and the unwavering support of their teachers. This success reflects not only their commitment to excellence but also the expertise and guidance provided by our staff every step of the way. 

A special congratulations to our six students who have achieved ‘All-Rounder’ recognition, meaning they scored over 90 in 10 or more of the units they studied

Sharon Ding
Dana Gharavi
Gabrielle Malek
Inika Narayan
Marisa Sorbello
Janice Ye

We are also thrilled to celebrate Inika Narayan, Sophia Slamkas, Sharon Ding and Ferenique Bris who have achieved top placements in the state for Business Studies, Industrial Technology Multimedia, Legal Studies, Ancient History, Modern History and Modern Greek Beginners (studied externally).

Several students received nominations for consideration in ENCORE, SHAPE and ARTEXPRESS HSC Showcases, including Annabelle Doubleday, Sophia Slamkas, Zali Harris and Inika Narayan, for their outstanding performances and major works. We are particularly proud of Zali for her selection in ARTEXPRESS, a true reflection of her exceptional creativity and dedication. 

While these results are indeed impressive, we must always remember that a graduating class is defined by more than academic numbers alone. Every girl has been known, well-taught, cared for and given the opportunity to grow—becoming not only scholars, but also women of character and significance. 

As these extraordinary young women take the next step in their journeys, we pray that they feel confident, well-equipped, and ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead. May they move 'beyond the Tara Gates' with the courage to make a difference and continue to be women of significance in all that they do. 

Once again, congratulations to the Class of 2024 on their outstanding achievements. May God bless each of them as they embark on this next chapter of their lives. 

Mrs Adele Ramsay

Class of 2024

ATAR Snapshot

As a non-selective school committed to fostering a rigorous learning culture, we take pride in the hard work and dedication of our students and staff, who together exemplify excellence in girls' education.

19% of our students achieved an ATAR over 95

35% attained an ATAR over 90

64% an ATAR over 80

Congratulations to the Year 12 Class of 2024.

HSC Highlights

All Round Achievers

Sharon Ding

Dana Gharavi

Gabrielle Malek

Marisa Sorbello

Inika Narayan

Janice Ye

Top Achievers in Course

Inika Narayan

4th in State - Legal Studies
7th in State - Business Studies
10th in State - Ancient History

Sophia Slamkas

4th in State - Industrial Technology Multimedia

Sharon Ding

10th in State - Modern History

Ferenique Bris

3rd in State - Modern Greek Beginners (studied externally at NSW School of Languages)

HSC Showcases, Exhibitions & Awards

Annabelle Doubleday


Sophia Slamkas


Zali Harris

2 Nominations


Nomination and Selection

Inika Narayan


Distinguished Achievers By Subject

Janice Cheng
Isabella Cleary
Natalie Eaton
Stephanie Holland
Gabrielle Malek
Inika Narayan
Marisa Sorbello
Ella Watson

Janice Cheng
Grace Mihaljevic
Monica Zhang

Hruthika Dasari
Vanessa Doumit
An An Feng
Kaitlyn Grasso
Guneet Kalra
Jaskirit Kaur
Muskaan Loura
Gabrielle Malek
Inika Narayan

Sharon Ding
Dana Gharavi
Xinyi Liu
Jasmine Xiao
Janice Ye

Yuxi Peng

Wenxuan Song

Naysa Khurana

Suhanya Jayasuriya
Ella Watson

Hruthika Dasari
Sharon Ding
Vanessa Doumit
Kaelyn Duong
Dana Gharavi
Jaskirit Kaur
Naysa Khurana
Chelsea Kim
Emily Kim
Gabrielle Malek
Grace Mihaljevic
Inika Narayan
Afraah Shafi
Sophia Slamkas
Marisa Sorbello
Jasmine Xiao
Janice Ye

Maleeha Bulla
Sharon Ding
Jaskirit Kaur
Chelsea Kim
Emily Kim
Pooja Lala
Grace Mihaljevic
Inika Narayan
Marisa Sorbello

Mihira Bekal
Maleeha Bulla
Chelsea Kim
Gain Kim

Kaitlyn Grasso
Wenxuan Song

Monica Zhang

Kaelyn Duong
Stephanie Holland
Chelsea Kim
Gabrielle Malek
Jemma Simpson
Rachel Watkins

Meghann Brodie
Abby Bryant
Maleeha Bulla
Selina Fang
Emily Kim
Pael Mallick
Naomi Navaratnam

Inika Narayan
Sophia Slamkas

Xinyi Liu

Stephanie Holland
Guneet Kalra
Inika Narayan
Afraah Shafi
Marisa Sorbello
Jennifer Yu

Ferenique Bris
Kaelyn Duong
Emily Kim
Sophia Slamkas
Aoling Zhang

Sharon Ding
Dana Gharavi
Xinyi Liu
Yuxi Peng
Jasmine Xiao
Janice Ye

Sharon Ding
Dana Gharavi
Xinyi Liu
Janice Ye

Kaitlyn Grasso
Jaskirit Kaur
Eliza McCarthy
Naomi Navaratnam
Afraah Shafi

Ferenique Bris

Hruthika Dasari
Sharon Ding
Kaelyn Duong
Dana Gharavi
Stephanie Holland
Guneet Kalra
Gabrielle Malek
Grace Mihaljevic
Jemma Simpson
Marisa Sorbello
Jasmine Xiao

Annabelle Doubleday
Elizabeth Grant
Ella Watson

Jemma Simpson

Janice Ye

Shirley Chen*
Vanessa Doumit
Afraah Shafi
Alison Song
Popi Tsaganas*
Joohee Um*

*Year 11 Accelerated in 2024

Zali Harris
Krishnaa Panicker
Rachel Watkins