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As one of Australia’s leading independent schools, Tara Senior School has an outstanding reputation for preparing girls for entry into the country’s top universities and for successful futures.


The teenage years are crucial to a girl’s development and, whether they are a boarder or a day student, Tara prioritises each girl’s enjoyment of school life to develop confident, responsible and inquiring young people. We are privileged to have a superior teaching staff who are passionate, caring and driven. Our excellent mentoring and pastoral programs help develop our students both inside the classroom and beyond. The range of opportunities for girls is world class. Tara is large enough to be well resourced and have a complete and thoroughly enriching curriculum, yet small enough to be personal.

Academically, we excel in bringing out the best in each student. From Years 7 to 12 we are proud to be non-selective and consistently achieve highly in all independent educational results and rankings. Tara Senior School (Years 7–12) has well resourced learning spaces and specialist facilities devoted to sport, performing arts, design and technology, visual arts and science.

If a passion for learning is developed, a person will never cease to grow, which Tara consistently achieves with its students. Tara has state of the art facilities, resources and academic programs tailored to the way girls learn best. The School also has extensive sport, performing arts, international opportunities and student engagement programs.


Teaching and Learning Programs in the Tara Senior School are designed to draw upon ‘best practice’ modern constructivist theory, providing innovative learning experiences which, through thoughtful differentiation, cater for all student needs in an inclusive, caring learning environment.

Teaching and learning at Tara is a holistic experience where students are mentored towards becoming lifelong learners who value both formal education and personal growth through a wide range of experiences and sources of knowledge. Tara classrooms are technology rich one-to-one laptop environments, ensuring opportunities for learning are limitless. Tara students are well prepared to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the rigours of external examinations, such as the HSC and NAPLAN, regularly performing at the highest levels of achievement. Tara girls also leave Tara with transferable skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values, which contribute to their future success in all endeavours and the betterment of society for all.



An International Baccalaureate
World School

Tara Senior School is an International Baccalaureate World School authorised to deliver the Middle Years Programme and is preparing to be authorised to deliver the IB Diploma Programme in 2026.

International Baccalaureate Schools share a common philosophy — a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Tara Anglican School for Girls believes is important for our students. 


Tara teachers are leaders of learning and experts in their fields who actively participate in ongoing professional development to ensure their students benefit from the latest research and pedagogical practice. They are a dynamic and collaborative team who work cooperatively within and across faculties, and regularly contribute their skills and knowledge to their professional associations and the broader education community.


The structure of the curriculum in Tara Senior School follows that mandated by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Additionally, Tara delivers the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme in Years 7 to 10. 


Tara provides opportunities for students to study courses externally according to specific areas of interest or need. Students also attend classes in Christian Studies, have opportunities in Years 9, 10, and 12 for Careers Education including a Work Experience Program in Year 10, and Financial Literacy classes in Year 10.


Tara's Diverse Learning team assists all students with their learning needs.


Students with English as an additional language or dialect needs are offered a wide range of internal and external programs, experiences, and opportunities to further their language development.


High potential students are offered a wide range of internal and external programs, experiences, and opportunities including extension programs in Mathematics, HSC acceleration in Studies of Religion, and the option of studying Astronomy.